- Thousand will come and thousand will go;
- But in the hard soil you must try to sow.
- Thousand of obstacles may give you Sorrow;
- But in the ship of life you must row.
There is no situation in this world whence a sharp turn towards light is impossible.
Prayer is the power by which you can receive divine grace directly or indirectly. Prayer is the very good Medium in between Atman and Paramatman. Prayer is the fruit of Bhakti, Shraddha, and Surrender. It is a good practice to have power in mind and body. The power of prayer is miraculous, astonishing and surprising.
You shall have not to lose your valuable time any longer. You have to give up your whimsical practices and restless thinking. I am sure your devotion to the lord, which is clouded by some confusion, will take a turn and you can find your destined path soon.
Prayer force is more cogent than the will force. Prayer force originates from Faith, Bhakti and Surrender. The pure habits of Prayer makes a man a reservoir of Divine Power.
Sorrow pinches us up to the moment till we dream of overcoming it.
In all circumstances be calm and quite and open your mind towards light.
Both weakness and pride are sin. Weakness casts you into hell, and pride makes you arrogant. Shun these two from your heart, root and branch.
Your heart, your soul, your knowledge, your education-all belong to Him.
Your riches, affluences are all directed towards Him.
Upon His immanent will rests everything. But for which, not even a leaf is shaken. Hence is the necessity of Faith. Burning Faith along the Power can do miracles. It is Faith that alone begets power. An impetuous soul is alone a lover and perfect victory awaits a lover only.
Leave no gap in your sincerity. Be not swayed by your pride and lead not yourself into inaction. Let not your lust for fame be a stumbling block against translating His desire into action. If you are at all a true follower of the Truth and have a desire to become a part and parcel of the association, sacrifice yourself and offer yourself at the altar of an ideal. Be thou a spirit to offer thyself and tender prayers at His sacred Feet. Arise, awake. Above all temporal power and pelf, woe and misery to attain salvation which is inevitable.
Sing the HYMN OF CREATION with a smiling face. You go on toiling hard ignoring your loneliness in the path of struggle.
Those who stick to truth, they honor the God; those who love men, they love the God. By His help and strength, they can go ahead overcoming hurdles. Everyone can have that strength and conscience, no opposing force, fear and weakness can come in that way. Then you are protected from all fears, weaknesses and all evils and you can be a generator of spiritual forces.
Don’t waste time, be initiated in search of truth. Let you be established as a searcher of truth and be owner of good faith. Don’t baffle your life.
There should not be any gap in your earnestness. Let pride does not make you callous in His work. Your desire and greed don’t obstruct to incarnate His will. If you want to to be an ideal worker being a true searcher of truth then dedicate thyself at the altar of ideals. Make thyself the offering at his feet. When vanity, egotism, anger, hate, sorrows and bereavements will no longer touch your work then only salvation is certain.