A Society for the lover of nature established
- To create awareness amongst the masses against the cruelty to animals and human beings by publication, exhibition, seminars etc.
- To organize movement for protection of cows and other animals and further to make the people to care and love the unattended animals like street dogs, cats, bulls and cows etc.
- To involve the people for nurturing plants & trees and imbibe the spirit of love to flora and fauna.
- To establish veterinary hospitals and mobile dispensary for treatment of stray animals and birds.
An Appeal Against Cruelty
The menace of cruelty
Manifestations of cruelty and violence be they of one human being against another, or against plant life or animals are stunning both in variety and ingenuity, and equally devastating in their impact. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not isolated instances. They only served as a pathetic reminder of what violence in it’s worst and extreme form can be. Since then the world, particularly the superpowers and their satellites have been engaged in a form of brinkmanship, denouncing the cult of violence in all forums, yet practicing it with reckless and sadistic zeal at the slightest pretext, till humanity today is threatened by the ominous prospect of total annihilation. This illogical urge of self destruction is only an extension of man’s cruelty to plant and animal life.
Today cruel scenes of killing have become matters of entertainment in film, video cassettes, to wit, trivial executions, suicide jumps, vivisection of animals, killing of ape younglings in restaurants before serving their brains as a special dish and electrocutions.
Our arms race, chemical and atomic etc. with full knowledge of their effect on innocent human life on a mass scale is possible because the people are already numbed by a sense of entertainment from acts of cruelty and torture. Man is brutalised.
There is cruelty in nature red in tooth and claw. This horrors challenge man to conquer such nature. It does not debase man. If man becomes cruel and revels in cruelty humanity is debased, dignity of life is forgotten and whole creation is disgraced. In despair and cynicism man rolls back barbarity. Nature is human progress and foundation of civilization. Human cruelty is destructive of culture and nurture. Civilization and progress cannot go hand in hand unless the civilised mind is constrained to examine and utilize the progress for the benefit of humanity. If it was so there would not have been so much of progress in producing food and so much starvation in the so called civilised world.
Some instances of cruelty
To dumb animals, our cruelty even more deliberate, even more wanton amidst their painful cries. The society which styles itself civilised, views with monumental indifference and even applauds the torture perpetrated by matadors on bulls in Spain. A smaller variation perhaps is the cockfight, a popular sport still prevalent in some parts of India.
On one side of the scale is terrorism and genocide and on the other there is fleecing of animals and slitting of throats of birds and animals before the very greedy, hungry or callous eyes of citizens, old, young and children.
For the gastronomical satisfaction the cows, buffalos, pigs, goats, frogs, tortoises and birds are wounded even while alive to die slowly in pain and agony although in many countries more scientific methods of slaughter have been evolved inflicting much less agony to the victims.
Torture on men, women, children and infants have gradually lead men to unhesitatingly legalise abortions and killing human lives in the womb which human culture has so long considered as a heinous crime and sin except on a very compelling grounds.
Mental cruelty is a necessary concomitant of physical cruelty. In a sense it is much deeper, difficult to erase even when the physical pain has gone away. But mental cruelty is as agonizing as that of one who suffers or apprehends physical pain.
Various garbs of cruelty
For commercial gain, for political purposes and in the name of religious merit, cruel treatment is meted out to men, animals and birds. Acts of cruelty , terrorism are sought to be made respectable. There are politicians with narrow outlook to talk of brutal murders as political with uncivilised softness for murderers and wrong-doers.
On religious ground sacrifice of animals and birds go on in full public view. Besides the profit motives in killing animals even in civilized society the human fashion approves decoration with skin of killed birds and animals.
Means of curbing cruelty
In India there is no reason to think that cruelties in the name of religion are protected by the Constitution. Article 25 to the Indian Constitution which guarantees the Right to Freedom of religious practice is subject, however, to public order, morality and health. That may be further restrained on the ground of social welfare and reform. If the evil effect of cruel acts is thoroughly examined it will be apparent how they are destroying the fine sensibilities of man and human values from very childhood posing ultimately insurmountable obstacle against social welfare. There need not be any such blanket immunity for religious killings as our Constitution contemplates suitable restraints on religious practices. Accordingly laws should be amended or promulgated to curb cruelty.
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 was enacted to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals. The Act laid to the formation of Animal Welfare Board of India for achieving the objects. But the deficiencies in the statute still remain and sometimes provide a convenient cover for those who wish to evade it.
The menace of cruelty has reached such immense proportions that it cannot be controlled by laws alone. Social living has to be guided by law and other means like education and behavior that will cut at the very roots of the poisonous tree.
If brutalization of the human mind is to be checked, then the exposure of the public, specially young minds, to views of violent deaths and destruction, torture and cruelty should be stopped. The media may be asked not to give details of horrid crimes. The films and the other media representation of crimes and cruelties may be suitably censored.
From very childhood the beginning should be made in getting children interested in the flora and fauna. If they get involved in bringing forth the beauty of a good life, they will not easily hate or hurt anyone or destroy anything. Emphasis may be shifted now from death to life, from the diseased and the morbid to vitality and faith, from malevolence and hatred to benevolence and love.
Realisation of sanctity of life broadens the heart , kindles kindness that becomes all pervasive. It smothers hatred, malevolence, fear and callousness to others’ pain and anguish. Man can no longer revel in death and destruction and shudder in the end at horrors that are his own creation. Utter selfishness that fosters cruelty is ultimately self- destructive. Cruelty narrows the mind, blurs the vision, desiccates the heart. Kindness enlarges, elevates and liberates the human soul and shackles of heartless selfishness.