To the young friends of India
A large section of youth, alas, has degraded to ever low. Deprived youths are being narrated everyday in newspaper as vicious, selfish, greedy, adulterous, coward and evil-natured and inconscient. It pains to think- Is it really true what we are seeing, what we are hearing and reading? Now-a-days one gets ashamed while going through newspaper. A suffocating void, unsatisfaction, inner afflictions are always chasing around. Killings, extortion, theft, robbery, injustice, hunger, ignorance and frustration. Sometimes we think – Can’t the newspapers hold out some hope for us? Reports of unending tortures on the weaker by the stronger one compel us to aspire whether the stronger one can bring to the notice of newspapers by being a savior of the weaker? Can’t the editors and journalists of newspapers once revolt and publish good news and make us exult with hopes? Now they are engaged in sorting out vile, terrible and painful news for publication to increase sale of their newspapers. Simultaneously, can’t they awaken young minds in new hopes with high reverence for Truth, Power and Beauty? Can’t the advisory committee, editors and journalist friends of newspapers and journals decisively raise warning proclamation against moral devaluation, oppression and injustice, against corruption, nepotism and repression in crying need of the nation? Once the question is answered, the nation will be elated. Even if the response is mute, we shall not hesitate to call for reawakening in firm voice, because they have realized to their heart-“If no one pays heed to your call, then, O march on alone !”
Now a days youth is strayed and devastated under the looming shadow of terrible frustration, incessant skepticism and wild consumerism. No mission appears plausible to the wayward youth under the affliction of unemployment and economic hardship of family. Each and every talented and budding youth is being swept away by the storm of vital weakness, wanton character and cowardly mindset. A new society, adulterous, and indiscipline is replacing the past. Solution to this problem is not possible by the expression of disappointment because nobody responses to the cries of a defeated soldier.
What we want today is a new way out. We have to steer the wheel. Youths must be honoured for their valour. Lesson must be learnt from youth. Youth must be called out to struggle against injustice. And all these are possible to accomplish by sincere affection and pure love. Youth neither does seek alms nor consolation. But it demands for love, pure love, recognition and honour. Ironically, all these are rare these days. Youth moves to violence under the scorching impact of widespread blame, misrepresentation and insult. Society cries foul and destruction takes the wheel instead of creation.
But this is far and no farther. Fire must be lit up in the souls of youth. This fire is the fire of spiritual inspiration, fire of pure, holy services, fire of prodigious renunciation, fire of persevering wisdom which will make all the frustration and weakness to burn out into ashes completely. Let the youth hold its head high. Let the youth awaken its soul with blazing fire of love. Let the youth revolt against immorality, cowardice and self indulgence. Let the awakened youth be the pioneer and priest of creative changes by the touch of divine fire.
What makes you so feeble? Why are you so scared? I have been feeling nagged to have witnessed the rampant foibles, timidity and self-centeredness during these days in the society. Particularly the youth which is ever counted as against the tyranny, injustice, inequality and unjustness but of late even that youth also has turned into mute, inert, timorous and selfish. How is it so went-off? From the teenage they are made to losing nice playgrounds, the taste of gracious lives, instead being inebriated them ere dozing off like an inert thing. That is the reason why today the advices of the grown-ups go unheeded. They harbour no hope to be rekindled with new vigour. This kind of despair has never been seen by anybody before. Nobody even has fancied such degradation of humane values before.
The youth of today submerged with timorousness cannot beg for anything, cannot place demand and even cannot launch protest against unjustness and injustice. But why? The reason deserves to be so scared and panicked? The free and independent society does not own these looks. Then is it to be taken today for granted that the societal lives are chained and jeopardized? If it has been so, then again one renaissance is invariably needed. The whole of the society will have to be countenanced a more uphill ordeal to cope with the new renaissance. Foibles, timorousness have to be ousted and have to raise voices against the unjustness, non-religion, tyranny and injustice. The root of the corruption will have to be uprooted. An uncompromising battle will have to be launched against stratagem and swindle. The pusillanimity will not be allowed to be perpetuated in the name of more religion. Truth, justness and bravery are the main mantras of the renaissance. The time is running short. Awake and arise.