(The Aryan Women’s Cultural Council)
The sacred soil of Indian sub-continent is tantamount to an “El Dorado”, the golden land especially for her omnipresent universal aspect of spiritualism – its stream of Consciousness has unceasingly been flowing in its innate course since the time immemorial being traceable in the pre-historic era. It had enjoyed its onward progression into the Vedic Age and its Literature as well (3000-2500 B. C.). Of course, its creaseless dynamism, its splendour has not been tarnished a whit even in the diseased “….. Modern life, /With its sick hurry, its divided aims,/ Its heads o’ertaxed, its palsied hearts…..”. For hoisting the saintly ensign pertinently its idealism, its age-old vivacity and animated thoughts have been fostered by the `Arya Nari Kristi Parisad’. It is a natural renovation of the erstwhile concepts into reality in the present epoch where cares abound, anxieties predominate. Far from being a mere `Organization’ in the literal sense, its inner significance is to usher in a Revolution, rather an Evolution towards the Supramental state dreamt of in the philosophy of Rishi Aurobindo. Its resurgence in a newer firm is expressive under the context of the existing aimless, rudderless state of a ship that is easily swayed astray in the whirlpool of the storm-vexed, turbulent ocean of life.
Now the true captaincy must be borne by all the mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and relations in the four quarters of the globe urged spontaneously by the self-motivated, matchless errand sustaining the idealistic annotation of the very word MAN replete with the sterling virtues of mankind with Morality, Aesthetics and Novelty.
Voluntary presence in the MONTHLY HOLY ASSEMBLY will evidently ensure your abysmal faith in the perpetuity of Indian Spiritualism. It’s the bounden duty of one and all irrespective of individual gender, caste, creed, faith, belief, cult and sect to pay profound homage to the emanative culture inherited distinguishably by WOMEN en masse.
The Divine Emblem of Eternal Motherhood, wearing `Sindur’, `Shankha’ and `Pala’ (Vermilion, Bangle and Wristlet) ought to be rendered desired reverence for upholding the elevated practice of the ARYAN WOMEN. The Old Folks and the Sheltered Selves of the respective families playing a vital role ranging from a miniature unit to an entire global stage, must be meted out the Honour and Dignity they verily deserve. Children having more need of models than of critics, we must implant, among them, the seeds of propriety, Sobriety and instill a sense of humane and philanthropic feelings from the very outset to bring in a better tomorrow.
Be uniquely and devotedly well-synchronized with our firm bonum, a millennium regeneration of Morality, Aesthetics and Novelty.
(The Aryan Women’s Cultural Council)
The Spiritual Society of India